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A Navajo Veteran’s Restoration of Home – and Hope

Jacob Kline*, a proud Army veteran from 1978 to 1981, reached out to Diné Naazbaa Partnership (DNP) in April 2023 with a simple yet crucial request: a minor repair for his roof. Like many veterans, Jacob's service to our country has left him with enduring strength and resilience, but sometimes, even the strongest among us need a helping hand.

DNP Case Coordinator Karen Shirley scoured our resources to see the best fit for Jacob's situation. Karen put Jacob into contact with Red Feather Development Group, another local nonprofit in Flagstaff. Working diligently with Red Feather, Jacob began securing the necessary repairs. He meticulously gathered his documents and submitted his application in August. Despite initial concerns about service areas, Red Feather took his application, demonstrating the community's unwavering commitment to supporting our veterans.

However, by the end of 2023, DNP received the disheartening news that Red Feather's services were on hold until January 2024. It was a setback, but Jacob's perseverance never wavered. Karen kept in contact with Jacob to ensure he received the support and encouragement he needed. In early May 2024, Jacob contacted DNP with uplifting news: Red Feather had approved his application. The materials he required were ready for pickup at his nearest Home Depot.

Jacob's journey wasn't just about fixing a roof but restoring hope and security. His gratitude was palpable, and he extended heartfelt thanks to Karen from DNP for her unwavering assistance and support throughout the process.

*Name has been changed in this story to protect the individual's identity.


Too many veterans and their families are suffering – to the point of taking their lives. Our passionate donors empower the lives of veterans, their families, and caregivers through our upstream approach to reach a veteran before a crisis occurs.


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