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A Veteran’s Fresh Start: Navigating Life After Domestic Hardship

Escaping an abusive situation is only the beginning of a challenging journey. When personal hardships feel too heavy to bear alone, finding the right support can make all the difference. Permian Warrior Partnership (PWP) is here to provide crucial help in those critical moments.

After escaping a difficult domestic situation, Navy veteran (’06-’12) Lauren Washington* found herself unable to access her VA benefits. The account her income was deposited into was out of reach, leaving her vulnerable financially. Unsure of how to resolve the issue, she turned to PWP for help.


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PWP Case Coordinator Breanna Durner helped navigate Lauren through multiple three-way calls with the VA and her financial institutions. They helped block her old account and successfully redirected her funds to a new one. With this critical issue resolved, Lauren could begin her journey toward healing. She expressed deep gratitude for PWP’s support during such a difficult time, knowing our support brought her one step closer to a fresh start. PWP will keep an open line of communication with Lauren to ensure she has the support she needs to keep going and thrive.

*Name has been changed in this story to protect the individual's identity.


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