Access to reliable transportation can often make the difference between securing a job and missing out on vital opportunities. In this competitive landscape, the inability to commute can hold individuals back from reaching their full potential and achieving economic stability. This was recently the case for a veteran who reached out to Alaska Warrior Partnership (AKWP)- stressed from his employment search while also seeking dependable transportation.
David Hyde is a Marine Corps veteran (’13- ’15) who turned to AKWP during a tumultuous employment search. Luckily AKWP Program Lead Jessy Lakin had known of a local management position and referred David to the business- where he was hired on the spot! This was a bittersweet victory, though, due to David’s recent loss of reliable transportation, which made him unable to commute to the job. AKWP was not willing to give up on David that easily. The team was able to link David with another local organization, Connect Vets, which provided David with a transportation option so that he could start his new job and ease the financial burdens he was facing. David, relieved to be back in the workforce, was excited to begin his new job as soon as possible!
"All because AKWP helped connect me with a vehicle. They are more of a blessing than I could have asked for" - David Hyde, Maine Corps Veteran
AKWP checked in with David, and we are happy to report that he is thriving in his new position. He says that he loves his new job and that the “stress is finally lifting.” We will continue to keep a relationship with David and are excited to see him thrive in his community.
Too many veterans and their families are suffering – to the point of taking their lives. Our passionate donors empower the lives of veterans, their families, and caregivers through our upstream approach to reach a veteran before a crisis occurs.
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