Every night, many of us return to the comfort of a warm bed, the soothing flow of running water, and the reliable hum of electricity. Yet, for many veterans, these necessities remain uncertain. Far too often, those who have served our country find themselves without the fundamental comforts we take for granted. This was the recent case of an Air Force Veteran referred to Permian Warrior Partnership (PWP), who faced an uphill battle for necessities due to his challenging health conditions.
Cecil (Buddy) West is an Air Force Veteran (' 81-'91) who suffers from Stage 4 congestive heart failure as well as other health conditions. He had worked his entire life, but due to the physical demands of his illnesses, he was now unable to work. He was also going through a painful divorce not long after his diagnosis. This was an emotionally tumultuous point in Buddy’s life. He further explained to PWP Case Coordinator Breanna Durner that his little income is, unfortunately, insufficient to secure a comfortable home life. He described the place he is currently staying as inhabitable, with no running water or electricity. Because of the lack of utilities, Buddy’s generator is dedicated to powering a breathing machine he needs every 6 hours and a small portable heater.
Buddy was hesitant to reach out for help as it was not easy, and he hadn't the slightest idea where to turn. He had never been in this dire situation before, fearing his situation might never improve. After hearing Buddy's heart-wrenching story, Bre immediately got to work.
Bre advocated on Buddy's behalf since he was unaware of the programs available or how to apply. Despite facing numerous rejections due to Buddy's low income, Bre's determination remained unshaken. When Buddy began to get discouraged, Bre kept in close contact, reassuring and encouraging him not to give up. That led PWP to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development-VA Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH). PWP was able to get Buddy connected to begin applying for this rental assistance program, for which he did qualify.
“I am so grateful to you and your organization. Please tell all involved how much I appreciate them.”
– Buddy West, Air Force Veteran
With his hope sparked by the encouragement he received from Bre, Buddy began searching for places to rent on his own while awaiting the HUD-VASH process. He miraculously found a place by being in the right place at the right time. The landlord learned that Buddy was a veteran seeking housing and worked with him to secure this place to rent. The landlord went above and beyond to work with the housing authority to get Buddy housed as soon as possible.
After three strenuous months of ups and downs, Buddy was recently approved for a HUD-VASH Voucher and could move into his new place. Buddy was so thankful for PWP's help in obtaining the necessities many of us take for granted.
“Bre, thanks to you, I get to sleep in a bed tonight. I have indoor plumbing. Another cool thing is [when] I flip a switch, the light comes on.”
– Buddy West, Air Force Veteran
Too many veterans and their families are suffering – to the point of taking their lives. Our passionate donors empower the lives of veterans, their families, and caregivers through our upstream approach to reach a veteran before a crisis occurs.
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