Navigating the path to secure veteran benefits can be daunting, especially when setbacks and delays make it seem out of reach. When Permian Warrior Partnership (PWP) began working with Army veteran Oscar Jones*, he understood the importance of persistence and support in overcoming these obstacles.
Oscar is an Army veteran (' 76-'79) who initially sought PWP's assistance in obtaining his veteran benefits and exploring new employment options outside the oil and gas industry for health reasons. Despite PWP Case Coordinator Azzie Rogers' best efforts to connect him with the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC), Oscar's case was closed due to a lack of engagement. But Azzie didn't give up. She reached out again, reopened his case, and scheduled another TVC appointment for Oscar to make another attempt at securing his benefits and acquiring a copy of his DD214.

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After attending the second appointment, Oscar was told he was not eligible for VA benefits. The TVC assisted him in requesting his DD214, but weeks passed with no response. Determined to help, Azzie took matters into her own hands. With Oscar's permission, she requested a copy of his DD214 through the eVets Recs website, but no document arrived.
Recognizing the need for additional support, Azzie contacted a Veterans Service Officer (VSO) in New Mexico. Finally, Oscar obtained his DD214, and now, with renewed hope, he and Azzie are continuing to work together to secure his benefits.
Oscar's journey is far from over, but he knows he is not facing it alone. Thanks to PWP's persistence, he has the support to keep pushing forward.
*Oscar is an alias to protect the individual’s identity.