The Network received a referral from a national partner, in February 2021, for a post-9/11 woman veteran. The veteran, Katherine*, served in the U.S. Navy from 2000-2006 and was discharged honorably. Katherine was living in a 3-bedroom house with her three children, on a Section 8 voucher and was facing eviction from her landlord. Unable to find a community partner quickly enough to advocate on behalf of Katherine, a Network Advocate assisted her with completing the CDC Declaration form to temporary halt her eviction.
In early March, Katherine appeared in evictions court, unrepresented, and the courts determined that the eviction will be upheld. She was given until March 31 to evict the property with her three children. The Network Advocate informed Katherine that the eviction moratorium was federally extended through June 2021 and assisted her with completing a new CDC Declaration form, which was submitted to her landlord as well as the court. The Network Advocate also assisted Katherine with obtaining free legal counsel through a local program. Through the legal program, Katherine was able to file an appeal for her eviction which prevented her family from being evicted. The legal program is now assisting Katherine with appealing her eviction in order for her to keep her section 8 voucher until she moves her family to Shreveport, LA where she has access to better opportunities for stable housing.
Katherine connected herself to SSVF in Shreveport, LA to find appropriate housing before June 2021. The quick action of the national partner to make a referral and the agility of The Network to advocate on behalf of this U.S. Navy veteran ensured her access to stable housing. The Network aims to help veterans connect to their community and help communities connect to national resources. Through collaboration between community and national partners, we are able to ensure veterans have access to resources no matter where they live.
*Katherine is an alias created to protect the identity of the individual.
With support from caring and passionate donors, America's Warrior Partnership (AWP) continues to advocate on behalf of veterans throughout the country. Please consider making a donation today to AWP. Your generous, tax-deductible contribution will empower veterans, their families, and caregivers with holistic community care.